Circumnavigating the frozen zone: Five fortnights walking the perimeter |
![]() photo: Terry Schmidt |
The Winter Garden and 1 World Trade Center, 11 September 2001 |
Welcome to low-tech country ...(This is the site formerly known as |
![]() |
the XYZone: xyWrite, NotaBene, & related resources
If you've ever messed about ...... in small boats, you'll savor Wolfgang Bechstein's salt-water adventures--usually aboard Gonbei, his cherished inflatable. If you haven't, find out what you've been missing. A longtime Tokyo resident, Wolfgang has moved with his family to New South Wales, where he's already taken Gonbei on a whaling expedition: "Thar she squirts." "Rigmarole" chronicles Gonbei's transformation into a sailing vessel. Wolfgang posted the pieces originally to a Tokyo mailing list he runs. Enjoy the r"e-prints."
![]() photo: Wolfgang Bechstein |
When Wolfgang added a stinkpot to his fleet, my
heart sank. How could tooling about in a glass
power boat be consistent with this site's
spirit? But Ui is venerable and in a race now might
be matched fairly with a sailboat. Read both
parts of "Flotsam"
and see what you think.
<lynx alert: SIDEBAR>![]()
Steve Gilliard "[W]hat's wrong with a [Supreme C]ourt that drops to eight or seven, or six members? The Constitution does not ordain a nine-member court." --Theodore J. Lowi, "A Bracing Dose of Partisanship," New York Times Op-Ed article, 3 December 2000 "Look, we--after two World Wars and the holocaust and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and after the Roman games and after the Spanish Inquisition and after burning witches, the public--shouldn't we call it off? I mean, we are a disease and should be ashamed of ourselves. And so, yeah, I think we ought to stop reproducing. But since we're not going to do that, I think the planet's immune system is trying to get rid of us." --Kurt Vonnegut to David Brancaccio, "NOW," PBS, broadcast 7 October 2005 ![]() "Why is it that New Yorkers, who are the people in our country most at risk for terrorism, overwhelmingly support Kerry? That ought to be a question that all these people flying into New York ask themselves." (To greet Republican National Convention delegates approaching by air from 30 August to 2 September 2004, Christy organized a campaign to cover Brooklyn rooftops with construction tarps painted with slogans expressing typical New York City political sentiments.) ![]() photo: Charles Libin
"See What You've Done," Park Slope, Brooklyn, August 2004 "My mother [...] says, `Everybody is really weird, once you get to know them.'" --Mark Bowden, Philadelphia Inquirer, 10 June 2003 </SIDEBAR> |
Nice timing! Microsoft goes too far with Windows XP,
and Apple comes up with a BSD-based OS that seems to me
to be what linux can only dream of being when it grows
up. Using xyWrite with any new OS requires
dos emulation, much of the software I use is unix- or
Mac-native, Robert Cringely's speculation
about an OS X port to Intel sounds to me
like PC heaven but pie in the sky, and the Bush
DoJ has given MS a go to stay on course. So, many
reservations and nearly two decades of exclusive
Intel use notwithstanding, I've bought a dual-USB white
Mac iBook.
I hope never to look back; we'll see.![]() photo: adpFisher
like getting instant
broadband, and luminosity does indeed make
"eye candy" of what's on the screen--but
I just can't come to terms with iBook stingy i/o
options, and this touch typist considers pinball
a helluva lot more fun as hand-to-eye coordination
exercise than non-stop practice demanded by a computer
interface. ... So what am I bid for a barely used
dual-USB white Mac iBook with win98/MS-DOS VirtualPC
and a couple of *nix clients installed? I'm dead serious. ...
18 March 2003:
Offer withdrawn. As long as
<don't click this unless RealAudio is
installed in your PC> WKCR
is broadcasting (apparently) only to the Columbia
campus and my apartment continues to be a wifi
hotspot (instant broadband indeed!), the Airport
card that was bundled with my iBook is of
incalculable value.
14 July 2003: offer renewed (PC
wifi installed). See "about" page
wifi section.
<28 September 2003: KCR is back!--two
years and a day after the attack. First piece
I've read anywhere in that time that fills
in some blanks:
"WKCR gets
signal in midtown: A new
tower at Times Square follows two years
of station controversy," Jennie Morgan,
Columbia Spectator Online, Columbia Daily
Spectator, 9 September 2003. ...
3 October 2003: Rebecca is back!--and
within a week of my rediscovery of KCR's
signal! "The most beautiful boat I've
ever seen," said a guy who'd also pulled
up his bike at North Cove to admire the
awesome ketch. More on Rebecca too on the
"about" page.>
Through a door, lightly: workman prone overhead (and reflection of building opposite) the day before a new Apple Store opened ; 18 July 2002 in the old Soho post office building on Prince Street. TTG gone? Seems safe to say that xyWrite was orphaned in fall 2001. The NotaBene spin-off survives. "XyWrite is already hopelessly out of date. That is why we use it in preference to everything else." --Nathan Sivin, History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, to the NotaBene mailing list, 9 August 2001 ![]() Is
the xyWrite Web authoring
magic bullet? Try the port
to Windows releases
of NotaBene and xyWrite
or the !xyWWWiz xyWrite 3 original and decide
for yourself. !BetterThanAverageTaggingTool
inserts beginning and end tags and attributes in
one pass, commands your browser to render the page,
and does other neat things to hasten uploading.
Also for xyWin and nbWin: GetBack, a port of the !xyWise !OutBack module that transparently buffers every character you delete or backspace. Retrieve them one by one with the GetBack insert key to repair accidents or effect small edits. And for classic !xyWWWiz, !4www, a utility that converts xyWrite 3 formatting to html tags. "Anyone who slaps a `this page is best viewed with Browser X' label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network." --Tim Berners-Lee, Technology Review, July 1996 ![]() Ah, remember the good old days. How benign browser pitches seem in the era of "This site requires Javascript" and "Unsupported URL scheme" msgs. You'll find some tips on simple steps you can take to make your pages accessible to more surfers. Gui-subliminal tags, anyone? chart expanded 7 February 2001 ![]() !xyWWWiz's color consciousness
has caught up with the xyWrite 3 Web assistant's
other improved features. You now can tag
the Web's safest colors easily and, so you can make
harmonious choices among all standard colors, the
!xyWWWiz and nbWin/xyWin !BetterThanAverageTaggingTool
can load the quick-reference
html color chart
in your browser. Preview now: click the chart link
on the !xyWWWiz page.
You also can download the chart independent of the
!xyWise/!xyWiz/!xyWWWiz and nbWin/xyWin packages.
"We DOS diehards are a stubborn lot, however, and will give up our DOS applications when they uncurl our cold, stiff fingers from our keyboard." --Paul Andrews, Seattle Times, 13 February 2000
This site best viewed with a browser
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![]() photo: John Parente
photo top [Chris Morse
at tiller of Yankee Doodle]: from Stephen Morse's collection; photographer unknown
... That's all she wrote.