And, um, a coupla DOS utilities I wrote ... AW_HEC joins two programming learner's exercises, and is here only because the pgm turned out to be quite useful to me. If you launch AW_HEC with an h switch, it's a hexdec calculator; without an arg, AW_HEC gives a readout of the full IBM char set with hexdec designations and extra info useful to C programmers (navigate with PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End). You can switch between AW_HEC's dual uses while it's loaded (or, for that matter, while you are). Load AW_HEC from the system prompt--
C> aw_hec <Enter> or
C> aw_hec h <Enter>--
or an app that lets you shell out, e.g., from the xyW command line:
<BC> do aw_hec <XC> or
<BC> do aw_hec h <XC>
download aw_hec (<16k)

An aid for newspaper editors who unit-count heds to fit fixed column widths, Heditor keeps a running tally of units at the left of each line as you build it onscreen, and saves finished heds to a file. This pre-DTP artifact was written on commission for New York Observer founding editor John Sicher. Load Heditor from the system prompt--
C> heditor <Enter>
--or a word processor that lets you shell out, e.g., from the xyW command line:
<BC> do heditor <XC>

please write (<51k)
<top> / <home> / <overview>

adpFisher nyc 10 April 1999